
  • Signup Deadline

  • Check In

    9 Nov 18:00 - 2:00
  • Start Date

    09 Nov 19:00 SAST


  • Gold trophy

    1st place
  • Silver trophy

    2nd place
  • Bronze trophy

    3rd place


First time? Make sure to read the Rules and visit our Guides.


Get live support or hang out with other players on our Discord!


Main Bracket

Round 1

#1 #2
33 - Shadow 0
32 - Kelvin 1
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
37 - Ganja 1
28 - TTV_DADDY_69 0
#11 #12 #13 #14 #15
29 - YoungMaks24 1
36 - EnTer void 0
#16 #17 #18
35 - NV_SUN 0
30 - Tidl Raider 1
#19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31
31 - Tidl Wave 1
34 - Yaseeen 0

Round 2

1 - Punishers Warrior 1
32 - Kelvin 0
17 - deadpool2 0
16 - Itzz_blessyy 1
9 - BlurryFlex 0
24 - Clueless_za 1
25 - Zolani 1
8 - brandyyy 0
5 - TGS_StefanBTW 0
37 - Ganja 1
21 - InfiniteGamer 0
12 - Amazingcreeper1 1
13 - Humble_Cap 1
20 - Washed_Jono 0
29 - YoungMaks24 0
4 - JustinKæ„› 1
3 - ᴢᴇɴ 1
30 - Tidl Raider 0
19 - Not Louie 0
14 - 2Die4 1
11 - TTV_HETSGaming 1
22 - Wxvy ӝ 0
27 - Luqman 0
6 - kyle_luke07 1
7 - Anonymous 0
26 - Unicornman16 1
23 - THICC THANOS 69 1
10 - Taahir_ZA 0
15 - ACGL_Elkstir 1
18 - KazuQT 0
31 - Tidl Wave 1
2 - ExploitZA 0

Round 3

1 - Punishers Warrior 1
16 - Itzz_blessyy 0
24 - Clueless_za 1
25 - Zolani 0
37 - Ganja 1
12 - Amazingcreeper1 0
13 - Humble_Cap 1
4 - JustinKæ„› 0
3 - ᴢᴇɴ 0
14 - 2Die4 1
11 - TTV_HETSGaming 1
6 - kyle_luke07 0
26 - Unicornman16 0
23 - THICC THANOS 69 1
15 - ACGL_Elkstir 0
31 - Tidl Wave 1

Round 4

1 - Punishers Warrior 1
24 - Clueless_za 0
37 - Ganja 1
13 - Humble_Cap 0
14 - 2Die4 1
11 - TTV_HETSGaming 0
23 - THICC THANOS 69 0
31 - Tidl Wave 1

Round 5

1 - Punishers Warrior 1
37 - Ganja 0
14 - 2Die4 1
31 - Tidl Wave 0

Round 6

1 - Punishers Warrior 1
14 - 2Die4 0

Third Place

Round 6

37 - Ganja 1
31 - Tidl Wave 0


You can only sign up to one streamer's tournament per night, so if you are unable to sign up to one, you have most likely already signed up to the other streamer tonight


  • Join the tournament before the Signup Deadline
  • Check in during the Check In Period if applicable
  • Round 1 Matches will be generated at the tournament Start Date


  • Every player(including all team members) must go to the tournament page during the Check In Period and click on the Check In button
  • You will also receive a notification reminding you to check in, clicking on that will take you to the tournament page
  • To make sure you have fully checked in, go to the Participants tab and make sure you are listed under Participants and not Unconfirmed
  • If we fail to get at least 4 participants checked in by the time the bracket starts, the tournament will be cancelled


After Round 1, all Matches have a unique default start time that is dependent upon the time at which the Teams’ previous Round results were submitted. Matches must be started by their default start time and played until completion. Postponing matches is only at the discretion of Online Tournament staff

Participant Streams

Quick RulesFull Rules


  • If there are more than 32 participants checked-in, there will be 2 brackets released. Prize Pool will be split equally between both brackets. 
  • It will be split as follows: 
    • 32-63: R250 Winner Takes All 
    • 64+: R500: R250, R150, R100 


  • For 1v1: The hosting player must host a DUO game session;
  • For 2v2: The hosting team must host a SQUAD game session.
  • The host will then invite their opponents to the game session and then begin the match. 
  • If you are unable to invite your opponent(their Epic ID does not exist for example), contact them either via the match page or discord to ensure you have the correct spelling. If you are still unable to send them an invite, it could be due to problems some players experience with cross-platform invites. To resolve this, wait a few minutes and try again or search your opponent's email address instead of their Epic ID
  • All matches must be played on ME/Middle Eastern servers


  • For Best of 1: The participant with the most kills at the end of the ONE game session will be awarded the win
  • For Total of two: The participant with the most kills at the end of the TWO game sessions will be awarded the win
    • If there is a tie in kills, a third map will be used to determine a tie-breaker
    • Survival time will be the decider in the case of a tie in the 3rd game
  • If a player downs someone and the other person bleeds out after the player dies, the kill will be counted towards the score of that player.


  • We recommend that each player take screenshots/video of their own and their opponent's total kills at the end of every game
  • In the event of a dispute, the accusing player will be given a max of 15 minutes(from the time the score was reported/dispute was made, whichever comes first) to provide the requested proof, with exceptions being made at an admin's discretion
  • Proof must be uploaded either to your match page or the ACGL Discord chat. Alternatively, upload your video to https://streamable.com or screenshot to https://imgur.com and post the URL in the match page
  • Here is an example of the proof required for a dispute on scores https://i.imgur.com/hAFMpNz.png

