With the finals for Season 1 slowly approacing, we are proud to bring you more updates and changes to the ACGL.GG platform!


Our team has been working hard to improve the way the user, that being you, experience the platform. In addition to levelling up our UX, we have also made some significant changes to how you navigate the platform:

  • Updated our Heading font from Schabo Condensed to our new, and oh so thick GARET HEAVY font to improve readability and clarity.
  • We have added more icons throughout the platform (well just the Main Menu and User Menu actually).
  • We have added a "Home" page that will act as a dashboard for logged in users, as well as an onboarding page for first-time visitors. 
  • Our "Play" page will now take you straight to your primary game, or if you don't have one yet (like our Co-Director Clint), it will take you to the Games listing to select one. 
  • We have moved the good ol' sidebar to the top of the page, so its more like a topbar now...
    • This is not to be confused with a TopDeck ©. We don't unfortunately have any chocolates one the site (anymore).
  • The link to the ACGL app as well as your Embers count has been moved into the User dropdown menu
    • BTW, have you claimed your daily embers yet???
  • We have also Improved our network and caching so if the site feels faster and snappier😎




Our awesome home page / dashboard has also gotten a makeover, with the new page featuring:

  • We have replaced the pop-up announcements with a shiny new slideshow to highlight key events and updates
  • We have images to the Battlepass so that you can see what you battling for
  • We also want to mark the return of the NEWS section at the bottom of the dashboard. Keeping you up-to-date!



As for your ACGL profile, you can check out these exciting changes:

  • Returned your game account/gamertag to your profile page.
  • Added the "Member Since" and "Honour" stats to your profile page, there is no hiding from some things...
  • Fixed the Friends list not showing your Friends correctly
    • Have you added your friends yet???
  • Fixed an issue where special characters in usernames were not showing correctly
    • You can go back to having (❁´◡`❁) as a username

We also made a few changes to those sweet new player cards you have started to collect:

  • Updated the borders/edging on all cards.
  • Your card will now only show up on your profile page and team page.
  • We have increased the readability of text on cards. 
  • Added your rank for your current primary game to the top left of the card.
  • Fixed the alignment of stats on your card (someone actually has almost 1000 matches played🤯 what a show-off).




⚔️CLICK CLICK...boom!!!

We have also added some paint to our competition pages (Games, Tournaments, Matches). The TL:DR is:

  • We have re-introduced tabbed navigation on the game page and tournament pages.
  • Tournament, match and team chats have been moved out of the (now retired) sidebar and onto the page, making it easier to keep in touch and up-to-date! 
  • We have also added a shiny new timeline to tournament pages
  • Matchfinders can now be found on the Overview tab of a game, under the SCRIMS section
  • Ladders will no longer list users that have not played any matches
  • Ladder Division separators have been updated


🛒window shopping looting

We are redefining the Shop, which is becoming our Loot page. Do you know the definition of Loot?

noun: cool products for our user

verb: bag cool products for free or for a bargain


We are adding a new focus on digital products and rewards. Don't worry though, you can still get your hands on our merch and we will still be running promotional sales of physical products with our partners!

The changes include:

  • Merging our SHOP and GIVEAWAYS pages into one LOOT page
  • Listing digital rewards (avatars & emojis) on the main shop page
  • Showing the Rand price and Embers price on our sick Merch!


We are always looking for new ways to improve your experience on ACGL.GG, so let us know what you think of these recent changes and if you have any ideas that could make ACGL even better!

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