ACGL is in its 10th year of operation, and we've grown as a company in size, support, and participants. One of our first pillars was to provide a stable base of tournaments for our communities. We did that by being the first tournament operator in South Africa to provide weekly tournaments for our region. This set the foundation of a reliable base of operations for our local player base to grow. It was our dream to have a thriving community of players, who regularly interacted with one another via our platform. That dream has been achieved; largely thanks to the hard work of the ACGL team, the regular community feedback, and support from players and partners along the way.

We've been listening to and hearing your feedback, from the players to the teams, of varied skill levels and life backgrounds. You want a structure that allows you to commit long enough to warrant a reason to grind. You want to play with friends, to earn recognition and bragging rights. You want to know if there is a path ahead for the game you love, and if there is a reason to keep playing. Today marks a dramatic shift in our model - one that we're extremely excited to share and we've been working hard on over the past year. This is our version 1.1 and we encourage you to give us feedback because without it we cannot grow, get better, and build the path ahead for our community.

So without further delay, here it is - The brand-new system for ACGL 2025:

ACGL 2025 - The Season ahead

ACGL will now feature two key seasons per calendar year and each season on ACGL will mark the introduction of ranked play.


  • The core of ACGL's online competitive calendar.
  • The system uses a brand new format to the platform, called Ladders.
  • Ranked will only be open through two seasons in the year. 
  • Once the ladder closes, the top participants qualify for a Division 1 knock-out cup to battle for the top prize.
  • Subsequent divisions will go into separate non-competing cups.
  • The amount of teams that qualify is based on the title in particular (further details below)
  • Each ladder is open for a set time, with the Halfway mark providing the division lock for participants. 
  • Top participants will earn additional rewards or qualifications based on the title.
  • The ranked cup will feature a broadcast for that title, should the game allow it.
  • Ranked will only feature the competitive game mode related to that title.

Each online season, we attempt to have an endpoint featuring a physical LAN/event opportunity. With that LAN opportunity, we are additionally looking to build in;

1) a qualification for another event, or, 2) a qualification for an international opportunity, or both.

Division Lock: 

The division lock marks the conclusion of the first half of the ladder. 

At this stage, the following is announced: 

  • All non-Division 1 qualification criteria were announced (For example, Teams 9 to 16 qualify for the Division 2 cup by the end of the season, Teams 17 to 32 to Division 3, etc.).
  • Prizes/Rewards for subsequent divisions are announced.

Once the lock occurs, participants can only play opposition within one division of their current rank. (For example, a participant currently in Division 3, will only be able to play against Divisions 2,3 and 4). 


  • Each Ranked ladder, Division 1 has a guaranteed prize pool of R10,000 (minimum).
  • Certain titles will qualify for LAN events (Events to be announced).
  • Each season will feature a collector's medal/card, which will be revealed for all divisions.
  • Digital rewards based on season achievements.


While we would love to open the doors for all titles, we unfortunately cannot. Our choices of title support are based on those that have shown phenomenal performance and support on the ACGL platform. All of our other titles not listed here will be known as proving ground titles, see more details below. 

The titles included for Season 1 and Season 2 ranked play, are as follows: 

* - Titles with a guaranteed Lan event finale qualification.

Proving Grounds: 

A Proving Ground title gets regular tournaments on the platform but is under constant review by the ACGL team. Should the title increase in entries, support, and engagement, they will be in a good position to become a Ranked title.

The proving ground titles are: 

You can find the list of the tournaments available for the titles on their respective game pages. New titles will be added to the proving ground list occasionally, please feel free to recommend games to our tournament admin via the ACGL Discord.

If you have any questions or queries relating to our brand-new changes! Please let us know via our socials and respective platforms or via to [email protected]

We are covering some of the new site features in a follow-up article that will be out this week! 

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