Engage with rAge and ACGL
ACGL, NAG and rAge Digital Edition have a treat or few in store for you! In the lead up to the rAge weekend and over the weekend itself, we will be hosting a variety of tournaments and other activities as we get you to ‘engage with rAge’.
You can expect cash and other prizes, as you compete against - and with - others in competitive gaming, treasure hunts and more on the ACGL site. There will be plenty of options and titles to keep you entertained as we bring our usual venue-based engagements to life online.
We have plenty to announce over the next few weeks, but we are pleased to announce three of the cash cups today, with registrations opening over the next few days – so grab your teammates and get ready.
These three tournaments have a total of R21,000 in cash up for grabs. COD Mobile, League Of Legends and Rocket League will each feature a R7,000 cash prize pool.
Registrations are now open for all three titles:
The qualifiers for League Of Legends and Rocket League will begin on Sunday 1 November, and Call of Duty Mobile will start on Monday 2 November. The top teams in each of the brackets will play for the cash live to an online audience on 8 November.
Entry to the tournaments and activities on the ACGL site are free, as are the rAge Digital Edition activities on 6 to 8 November. To secure your rAge Digital Edition ticket, head here.
Be ready for even more announcements in the lead up to rAge 2020. There will be additional one-day cups featuring cash and products, along with a number of other activities scheduled on the ACGL site. Keep your eyes on our social media and websites for the announcements as they are made.
Registration links and additional details are available via the rAge Digital Edition landing page on ACGL: https://acgl.co.za/rage
**Article Updated: 26 Oct 2020 | Registration links added**
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