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Chloe Castello is a successful book author from Oceanside California, and wrote many bestselling novels including “Riverside Manor†and “Inside the mind of a killerâ€. She started her writing career as a fictional author, focusing on trying to make up her most feared serial killers. However, her life changed when one of her novels came to life. A “fan†of one of her most popular books “Riverside Manor†tried to kill Chloe and her family as described in her book. She was the only member of her family to survive the events that took place. After the event she turned from fiction in her pursuit to understand the inner thoughts of a serial killer. This lead her to writing her next best seller “Inside the mind of a killerâ€.
Chloe was in Cape Town, South Africa, studying a serial killer in Pallsmoor prison when the Scourge outbreak started, and was trapped in the prison with all its inmates for the first month of the outbreak. There, she teamed up with Warden and a group of guards to escape the prison and reach a military base outside of Cape Town. Chloe was recruited by The Accord and handpicked by Lenoire to join her recon unit.