Match #137996
Results have been reported and the match is finished
Quick Rules
- Schedule: Matches are played one after the other. Players will have 15 minutes once the match is created to join the room before it is started
- Room ID and password: Will be posted on the match page once the tournament starts
- Maps: Burmuda, Purgatory, Alpine
- Drop List: Classic
- Death Spectate: No
- All other settings will be default
- Once the tournament starts at the Start Date, refresh the tournament page to view your matches
- On the match page is where you will find the room details you will use to join the room in-game. "Match ID" and "Password" will be the Room ID and Room Password you must enter in-game.
- If the Match ID/Password says "Not set", the admin has not yet created the room. Wait a few minutes, refresh the page, and check it again.
- If it says "Access restricted" then you are not part of the roster for your team.
- Make note of your "Slot" which is the slot your team must be in once you join the room. Teams that are not in the correct slot will be removed.
- Do not share the ID or Password
- Open Free Fire and let it load fully to the home screen
- On the main screen, click on the mode change option present in the top-right corner.
- Press on the ‘Custom’ option located in the bottom-right corner.
- In the search bar, type the Room ID that is listed on the ACGL match page
- Type in the Room password (also given on the match page)
- Join your slot as listed on the match page and wait until the admin starts.
Players must take a screenshot at the end-of-game displaying their kill score and placement and submit it on the match page, via the "Enter Result" button which will appear once the room is started. You must report scores a max of 15 minutes after a room ends, otherwise your score may not count.
Prize Distribution
- If the tournament requires 2 lobbies but does not reach R1000 on the sliding scale. The R500 will be split R250 to the first place winners of each lobby.
- If the tournament requires 2 lobbies and does reach R1000 on the sliding scale. The R1000 will be split in half for each lobby, with each lobby receiving: 1st-R250, 2nd-R150 and 3rd-R100.
- If the tournament requires 3 lobbies, R350 will be awarded to first place of each lobby.